Thursday 1 January 2009

ourselves, v. 200.9

Curitiba, 1st. January, 2009.

A new year has begun.

2008 is gone now, but will always remain as a utterly sweet memory.

I have already made my new-year post, so this is just a renovation of all the vows I gave yesterday (and the year before, as well): should 2009 bring you life, making you live instead of just existing.

Plans for this just-born year? Keep on, and always try to improve.

Professional fields urge more attention, and that's what I'm starving to give, just as in the very personal side, where there's still a lot to do.

Undergrounds are quite nice - calm and pretty colourful - today, but I don't really plan locking up myself there again.

Yeah, I have a dream.

2009 is a whole world still to explore.

Let the emotions of this brand new year begin!

Amazing 2009, dear reader.