Monday 9 February 2009

It might seem

...It might seem to you I have finally abandoned the whole Dark Pills project.

No wonder why you're thinking that... The same thought comes to my mind now and then.

However, to prove you that all these rumours are just... malicious talking my opposition has started off (LMAO), let me write about these last days' biggest happenings:





Come on.

It's summer vacations.

No driving on the wonderwall, no diving on deep and dark seas. It's all time to enjoy some rest and work on the future.

Yup, that's all: thinking about my future.

The rest... is rest and, moreover, pretty much irrelevant to post down here.

Life's going its very own way, peacefully.

Sorry for this not very informative post. Hopefully, soon there will be things to write about here.

No, I ain't waiting for anything in particular, but these things, ah these things, they just come.



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