Monday 7 July 2008

Third decade, here we are!

Ok, I'm officially 20 years old now.

A brand new decade has started in my life, and putting aside all the possible meaning it can have, I'm pretty happy.

My birthday couldn't have been more wonderful.

Multiple parties, something smelling funny in the air.
Smelling, just smelling, so that I went to face the unknown, apparently broken-hearted.

Good news, good talking, few hugs and a call.


A bit of random messing around, and another call.
I took a deep breath and started getting ready.

Weirdly enough, I was really, really nervous.
How would my day end? How good would that be?
Answers didn't take that long to come.

A friend request, a chic hotel, a fancy restaurant and dearest friends on a table... wait! O__o


And there was I, dancing completely lost to that unison happy birthday tune, dedicated to me, just me.

Happy smiles, comforting spirits.
True angels bringing me to heaven by the most delicious deviltry.

Points connected; truth revealed, nude and crude, to my purest amusement.
From bosses to mama, from professors to friends, all aware of that extensively-planned one single night, that will surely remain on the happiest corners of my mind until it finds the end its life.

And thus, surrounded by truly loved friends, I saw myself stepping into the 20's on biggest and most amazing style.

Though I was told that it was the expected effect, I don't really think that any of them will ever imagine everything that the entire episode meant to me.
I close my eyes and still can feel it all. Unexplainable.

I'm truly thankful, truly ashamed that I may never compensate and truly trying hard to tell myself that I may have had deserved such an overwhelming display of affection.


Well, the third decade of my life has officially started, and I'm willing to live and enjoy it the best I can.

It's time to live! =D

Thank you all, my dearest friends.
My long-lasting love to every single one of you.

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