Friday 11 January 2008

Trip Diaries - See ya!/Vol. 2

Tuesday, January 8th 2007

Last full day on Curitiba.

Part of me wanted to leave.
Parted wanted to stay there forever.
The biggest part, however, was the one accepting the fact that I HAD to leave - bus ticket anybody? LOOOOOL

I drove a lot this day. I feel so secure - and so lost!
But I'm really able to find the way to Rose's house now.

My last dinner (for now) on the metropolis was far from the best - not-very-liked relatives - but it's ok.

The night's fallen, my stuff packed... Last goodnight (for now), dear metropolis.

Wednesday, January 9th 2007

Early morning, time to wake up and say bye-bye.

Everything on time, Curitiba slowly disappeared behind more cities and green.

See you later, dear metropolis.

Just a small time after, I was seeing the ocean. How I'd missed it.
And then... My last destination.

Started off, the Vol. 2 of this travel.

BC whole package was there, looking as stunning as always, but a bit different and uncomfortable if compared to Curitiba - I'm kind of spoiled, LOL!

A small walk in the sand at night, and bed. I'm needing to rest!

Thursday, January 10th 2007

Tenth January day. God, it's been (too) fast!

I woke up for a big ride... But, unlike Christina, my body said 'no'.

At afternoon, I decided to finally use all the courage I'd been storing. Beach all alone.

Wave after wave, I desired and felt all the weight on my shoulders, all the shame, all the pain, all the negativity simply washed away.
The endless sea cleaned my soul and renewed my energies, making me feel amazing.

Very nice paraguayan friends, and a huge lot of huge blunders that didn't embarass me at all - come on, I'm more than a thousand KM's away from my city!

Shopping centre at night, and bed =)

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